What is Nuclearsoft ERP system ?
Nuclearsoft ERP system is an integrated management system, it is a amazing tools for business planning, business strategy, company management control and company internal evaluation.
   Clear Workflow   Basic information: customer & vendor record, product & material record, warehouse and etc..
ERP System: Sales management, purchase management, stock management, production management, accounting system and etc..
   Tailor your own ERP system Provide Form and Report generator for configure your own printout format and report. Moreove, company product characteristic also can be changed to suit in your company workflow.
   Additional Systems are implanted in the ERP system Additional systems are including CRM system, File system, Human resource system, Attendance system, Point of sales system (POS) and etc..
   Strong Web Support Nuclearsoft web system V2 is absolutely 100% compatible with Nuclearsoft ERP system to enhance the flexiblity in web to our customers. The web system is including web product system, membership system, order management system, forum and so on.
   Helpfull Technology - Remote Control service A remote control program is installed in our Nuclearsoft ERP system for user to connect our customer service assistant through internet, this program can help solving 90% problems wherever they are.
   Software Development We have a strong development team for you to overcome complicated workflow or functions during ERP implementation, we can provide professional ideas to ensure using ERP smoothly.